The nude trend (Explosion de nudes)

“It is possible, and even likely, that with the stress provoked by the lockdown and the induced idleness, this period pushes people to increase their sexual activities using text messages, pics, etc.” explain Aurore Malet, a neuroscience and sexology doctor.

Either on television or over the net, everyone is talking about it, the number of sext, nudes or “dedipix” are skyrocketing. This habit has been usual for several years, but with the containment, people have more free time to engage in this activity.

Thus, everyone has heard about it, in one way or another, and you might have sent or received some, maybe on Snap, or in your DM for example.

We might think that this phenomenon only concerns youth, but in fact it doesn’t. This plague crosses ages as well as borders. This global phenomenon concerns a lot of people and sometimes destroys lives.

Sext? Nude? “Dedipix”? What does it mean?

For those of us who don’t know it, a sext is the contraction of the words “sex” and “text”. It can be defined as virtually sending text messages or pictures with explicit contents.

In French, the word “nude” defines a “mouse having a deficient immune system”; a sick mouse to be blunt. But you got the point, the expressions “nude” or “send nudes” comes from the English “nude” and “naked”. To send a nude is about sending by any means (text messages, Whatsapp, Snap, Instagram, Tinder, etc.) a nude self-picture to someone to sexually arouse this person.


Following the same concept, a “dedipix” (derivates from the French word “dédicacer” = to dedicate and pix = pictures) is the act of taking a bare-naked picture of yourself with a body inscription, for example, the name of the receiver.

You get the point; it is all about sexuality.

Are nudes and sexts a form of sexuality?

When someone decides to send nudes or lewd texts messages (like using fruits and vegetables emojis to symbolize/represent private parts) to someone else, the objective of the conversation is not about the last trend on Netflix or a coupon offering discounts on shoes, but to trigger this person to go further. By sharing this kind of contents, we ignite desire and lustful thoughts within ourselves or in another person.

“I love to prepare my shoots, play with light, choose my underwear, test multiple settling and several poses; it keeps me busy and distracted. It is my erotic shot […]”

Is Elohim against sexuality?

It is obvious that Elohim (God) isn’t against sexuality, otherwise you and I wouldn’t be born. But sextos, which are explicit sexual contents by definition, can’t be approved by the Lord, they are sin. As a matter of fact, there are numerous sins that the Mashiah (Christ) condemn in the Bible, but one of those stands above the other: impudicity. Unlike other sins, this one harms our own body.

1 Corinthians 6:18

“Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body” KJV

Then what is sexual immorality?

It is a sin essentially linked to sexuality and which can be defined as unlawful/illicit sexual activities disliked by the Lord (fornication, masturbation, porn, lust, adultery, etc.).

All of these are considered unlawful/illicit

1 Thessalonicians 4:3

“For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour.” KJV

As a disciple of Yehoshoua (Jesus), it is essential to flee from those things that can cost a lot from us.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” KJV

1 Corinthians 6:13

“Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.”

A lawful relationship implies married man and woman, because the Lord has exclusively established sexuality to be used in marriage. As long as the couple isn’t married, abstinence is absolutely necessary while awaiting marriage.

Daily consequences

Be not deceived, to receive, to see or even send explicit pictures or text messages nourish your soul and induce thoughts that drive you to sin.

“I think that I start wanting to trade nudes when I get bored of porn, and when I look for something less fake and more exciting”.

Indeed, after discussing about sex with a girl or with a boy, it is common that you start getting sexual thoughts, the urge to watch porn and masturbate. Lascivious pictures start haunting your mind around the clock. Sometimes, you even have some lewd dreams in which you’re having sexual intercourses. Having such conversations is a very dangerous game in many ways, such as:

–          After trading nudes, when you’ll meet the person, it is highly probable that pictures of his/her naked body will flood your mind, and you will probably not be able to restrain your lustful desire to go further.

–          To be victim of “revenge porn” and “cyber harassment” (the receiver of these pictures send them on social media or specialized porn websites)

Collage 1.1


–          You might regret having sent a picture that no longer belongs to you anymore

–          Lust

Some might say that receiving or sending nudes doesn’t affect them, but it is unlikely the case when you walk in sanctification.

Anyway, the Bible teaches us to behave with modesty.

1 Corinthians 3: 16

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” KJV

1 Thessalonicians 4: 3

“For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication […]” KJV

Matthiew 5: 28

“But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her in his heart.” KJV

Do you think that nudes and sextos aren’t considered as a sin when a simple look (of lust) can be? The answer is no.

Also, blackmail and harassment, nude posts of young men and women on Snapchat as well as sending pictures to the whole middle school, high school, or even college are as much consequences that shouldn’t be neglected.

As an example, when I was in middle school, I knew this girl which we will call Audrey who happened to be in relationship for several months with a guy which we will call Wesley.

Wesley and Audrey were younger than me and seemed to like each other very much, which seemed to draw jealousy from Wesley’s best girl friend.

Later, all the students of this and other two middle schools received a nude picture of Audrey. Neither Audrey nor Wesley knew how it could have happened. In fact, his best friend knew the password of one of his social media’s account. Jealous and probably secretly in love with him, she pretended to be Wesley, asking Audrey to send him explicit pictures and videos of herself.

In love and blindly confident, Audrey fell into the trap and sent him pictures and videos to her so-called boyfriend. Terrible was the day were they both realized what Wesley’s best girl friend had done.

Young Audrey’s parents were informed by the matter. Humiliated, hurt and terrified about the idea of coming back to middle school, she stayed at home for a few days. Her parents decided to file a complaint against Wesley’s best girl friend, and the principal decided to definitively expel her from the middle school as to support the victim’s family.

I cannot even imagine what this girl has been through, especially because a few months earlier I have been chatting with a guy I met through social media. He was a little bit older than me, was living in Strasbourg and I was around Paris. Through text and videoconference conversations, he started to subtly ask me to send him nudes. Embarrassed at the idea of sending these kinds of pictures to a random guy, I managed, through difficulties, to make him understand that he could get nothing from me. It didn’t turn him cold by any means, as he continued to insist heavily while even sending me nude pictures of himself and explicit messages. Hence, I blocked and suppressed his contact.

As a matter of fact, I do realize that if I had been in love with this guy, I would have been through something like what Audrey has been through.

What if I’ve seen nudes of people I know?

It is easy to free oneself by saying that we did not share any of this and that as a spectator, we have committed no prejudice. Be not deceived! Just by watching, liking or sharing these kinds of accounts on social media, we expose ourselves to law and even get involved in large scale organized traffic of content that is criminally reprehensible.


Indeed, recording, sharing or diffusing intimate pictures without any consent of the person who took them, is incurring the risk to spend 2 years in jail and a 60 000€ of penalty (according to the French law). If the content implies a person under 15 years old and the use of social media, then it becomes 3 years in jail and 45 000€ of penalty.

I am Christian and I did/do these kind of things

We now understand that dedipix, sexting and nudes are considered as impudicity. Sexual intercourses are only allowed in the context of marriage. As a disciple of Yehoshoua (Jesus) you now realize that it is a sin to receive from or send these kinds of contents to someone in the eyes of the All Mighty. It is absolutely essential to repent and ask for his forgiveness for practicing those sins that drove you away from him.

To expose these carnal deeds through public or private repentance (between you and your maker) is the first step to freedom and sanctification. The repentance or “metanoia” (in Greek) literally means to change your mentality. It implies the fact of turning away from all the sins practiced until now; a complete change of direction.

John 8: 11

“[…] go, and sin no more” KJV

From now on, fully aware that these things don’t bring glory to the Lord, and that they will keep you away from heaven, you will have to flee from people with whom you used to practice those sins so you won’t be tempted to fall again. Therefore, it is fundamental to help yourself so shall not return to your vomit.

1 Corinthians 15: 33

“Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” KJV

1 Corinthians 6: 18

“Flee fornication […]” KJV

I am dating someone, am I allowed to send sexual text messages?

Even though you are currently dating someone, preparing for marriage or engaged, you shall abstain because being in a relationship doesn’t mean that everything is allowed.

Galatians 5: 13

“For brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another”. KJV

To share explicit sexual texts can lead both of you to fall into fornication before marriage and to expose yourself to physical (pregnancy) and spiritual consequences (rebellion, perdition).

I am married, am I allowed then?

I will not tell you that it is a sin to talk about your desires with your partner. However, as a child of Elohim (God), the Holy Spirit which lives within us, gives us self control. It becomes useless for us to use this kind of things to express some desire.

Therefore, we do not recommend it for several reasons:

–          A picture of self or of one’s beloved one might sadly end up being sent to a close relative or a colleague

–          The mobile might be stolen and the pictures seen by someone else

–          A close relative might see an explicit text while using your phone for some reasons.

And other reasons can be evoked. According to Mrs Malet, a neuroscience and sexology doctor, we are witnessing a significant rise in the number of sexual texts messages exchanged. We might ask ourselves: How did she get this information? It is highly possible that mobile services providers keep track of this kind of content.

Anyway, we all have free will that let us choose the path we want to walk in.

1 John 2:15-16

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” KJV

Finally, I exhort you, brethren, to realize how precious you are in the eyes of Elohim (God), and that those things make you dirty and keep you away from him. Come back to the Lord, for he loves you and wants to change your life.


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